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Agricultural Research Centers

The Agricultural Research Centers are designed as a teaching and learning facility with applied research in agro forestry, aquaculture, small ruminant management, vegetable and small fruit production, sustainable agriculture, organic production, pesticide storage and handling, post harvest handling, environmental stewardship/water quality and farming.
The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment at the Winchester City University integrates research and outreach education in agriculture, food systems and the environment. It provides linkages from the University with vibrant business, policy and public interest sectors, including agriculture, the horticultural green industries, environmental
decision-makers and food system interests.
The Agricultural Research Centers are designed as a teaching and learning facility with applied research in agro forestry, aquaculture, small ruminant management, vegetable and small fruit production, sustainable agriculture, organic production, pesticide storage and handling, post harvest handling, environmental stewardship/water quality and farming.
The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment at the Winchester City University integrates research and outreach education in agriculture, food systems and the environment. It provides linkages from the University with vibrant business, policy and public interest sectors, including agriculture, the horticultural green industries, environmental
decision-makers and food system interests.

About the Center
The mission of the Agricultural Research Centers is to provide leadership for the vitality of the environmental horticulture industries--nursery, landscape, urban tree care, farming, and other programs in applied research, Extension, graduate instruction, and continuing education.
Vision Statement
The vision of the Agricultural Research Centers is to have outstanding applied research, extension, graduate instruction, and continuing education programs in the horticultural, mushrooms, ship and goat, poultry, farming, agricultural production and related sciences to meet the following goals:
The mission of the Agricultural Research Centers is to provide leadership for the vitality of the environmental horticulture industries--nursery, landscape, urban tree care, farming, and other programs in applied research, Extension, graduate instruction, and continuing education.
Vision Statement
The vision of the Agricultural Research Centers is to have outstanding applied research, extension, graduate instruction, and continuing education programs in the horticultural, mushrooms, ship and goat, poultry, farming, agricultural production and related sciences to meet the following goals:
- Maintain outstanding research programs in the different areas
- Commonwealth's programs in agriculture and environmental quality.
- Continue as an outstanding information resource to the people, the country, and the world in the areas of environmental horticulture, earth, and other sciences.
- Provide graduate training of the highest quality for students in the above areas.